
My daughter and I were leaving New Seasons, the grocery near our house. My angel trailed behind me chatting up everyone she saw. She is such a sparkly little person. A fellow was getting into the car next to mine. She told him she just “loved” his hat, it was so “beautiful,” then she turned on her million dollar smile and waved.

He was enchanted. His face lit up in a smile. He turned to me and said, “Your daughter is a sweetheart. She is just a total sweetheart.” Then he said, “You must be a sweetheart too, to have a sweetheart like her.” Well, that just warmed my heart. I’m truly blessed. I get to have this sweetheart in my life. She does make me sweeter. I’m grateful for her every day.

One thought on “Sweetheart

  1. That was beautiful Lara. I have six. Of course they are now 30 to 40 years of age. But oh the memories.
    Keep writing, I read them all.
    And, after voting for, oh lord I don’t know how many years, 18 to 62, I’m exercising my right to not to vote this election. You GO girl………..

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